Synthetic OverQuilt, smaller down underQuilt. Cheaper, more functional.
Also more versatile with various combinations.

Helps keep your down inner bag / quilt dryer because dew/frost point is inside the synthetic over quilt.

See the Enlightened Equipment temp chart etc. On quilt layering, and double quilt pad straps

There was a small supplier on here who was making Spotting blankets with a couple different weights of ClimaShield Apex.
Haven’t seen anything recently from them.

Are you looking at Colder Wetter conditions than Zero F, or Zero C. ?

I’m not on the Wet Coast, so don’t have so much Cold&Wet conditions. Mostly Dry Windy Cold conditions on the other side of the Rocks.

Cheers !

Last edited by 338Rules; 09/05/21. Reason: Formatting for clarity

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