Originally Posted by OldSchool_BestSchool
Spoiler Alert: I've read dozens of reports, it's hard to find one that is representative. So no links provided since anyone can find something that 100% supports one's views. But here are the conclusions I have reached. Now you can say "so what, who is this guy". But here goes.

Around 35% of all black pregnancies in the U.S. end with abortion.
Around 38% of all white pregnancies in the U.S. end with abortion.... you know and I know these are left leaning Marxists.

Little cockroaches grow into big cockroaches. Forget the Left vs Right mentality. The enemy wants to destroy my way of life. The fewer there are of my enemy the better.

Flame On.

Those you mention still deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Did not the Founders write our sacred documents for them too? More importantly they have God given rights too and in killing them those are being taken away.