Thoughts on camo....

Camo is more useful when hunting some species than others. It's a big help on turkeys or ducks, and while it's doesn't make as much of a difference on deer, it's still worth doing. I do take exception to this quote from the article linked in the OP:

"no pattern of any kind - regardless of how new and fancy it is - can never cover up poor hunting technique. "

I often hear similar comments whenever camo is discussed. It shows a lack of understanding of what camo is for. It's not there to cover up or compensate for poor hunting technique. It's to better your odds for success when using GOOD hunting technique.

I do agree that most modern camo is too detailed and dense, which increases its appeal at arm's length in the store, but just turns into a brown blur at a distance. I still use a lot of original Realtree Xtra Brown from the 90s because although it's not up to modern photorealism standards, it has reasonably good detail and has large areas of contrast to break up your outline. I usually wear pants of a different pattern to break up the human outline. When turkey hunting I have a few plastic leaves on my vest and hat to add a 3D effect. I once had a turkey hen walk close enough to me that I could have kicked her. But she was doing a better job of calling like a lonely hen than I could imitate, so I let her continue.

I've sometimes thought about getting newer camo, but after I once had a squirrel jump out of a tree onto my hat I decided that I was probably sufficiently camoed as it was.