Originally Posted by SAcharlie
This took place before becoming president. That great accomplishment was kicking the treasonous self-centered sitting president out of office.

That's amusing stuff.

I said after the 2016 election that President Trump had done the only thing I cared about and anything else he accomplished would just be gravy. That one thing was to keep Hillary Clinton from becoming president. He didn't need to do anything other than that to make me consider my vote well cast. I was pleasantly surprised when he turned out to be the best president of the last 75 years and America enjoyed four years of peace and prosperity before Joe Biden's owners unleashed Covid-19 upon the world.

Sadly, the America most of us grew up in is gone. Through unlimited immigration from third world crapholes and our failure to check our own educational establishment which no longer teaches the value of freedom to our children, we find ourselves in a country that would rather be guided by an imbecile puppet of the Chinese than the president who gave us four years of economic stability, prosperity, and peace.

A hundred years from now the Trump years will be looked upon as the last Golden Age of the U.S.A., at least if the party allows the truth to be published in the People's Democratic Republic of Estados Unidos.