Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Agreed OP. Our state DNR hunting guide has a woman out bird hunting on the cover this year, it seems like I’ve seen more woman, Asians, kids, and black men on the cover than I have adult white men, the demographic buying probably 90% of the licenses sold. I know of and have personally seen a handful of woman that hunt not including my wife. She doesn’t hunt but will sometimes come with me. I saw a black guy in the woods once. I’ve known a few others that hunt.

Woman are way over represented as a percent of the hunting public in ads. Some of it is probably virtue signaling under the guise of hunter recruitment and no doubt some of it, probably most of it is showing unusually attractive woman hunting as a way to get the attention of men.

The women and the blacks in outdoor advertising make me want to up chuck....guess next we'll have to look at adds of queerz in the outdoors.