Originally Posted by 10Glocks
Originally Posted by VaHillbilly
Thanks Pappy, i wont start deer hunting till late October, im still enjoying my squirrel hunting right now......I hope you have a great season 👍......Hb

I spent my first day squirrel hunting here in SE Va. Pretty much a rotten day for squirrel hunting. It rained early this morning so everything was slopping wet. It was in the mid to high 70s and humidity made it like a sauna. All the leaves here are still green and the trees are full. There was heavy overcast so the woods were dark. The mosquitoes were relentless. I walked through exactly 10,798 spiderwebs, most of them with a big red orb weaver in the middle, and most a face level. Only saw four squirrels and only got a shot at one of them, which I got, which had a nasty warble on it. I heard several calling in the tree tops but you can't see up into the trees since the foliage is so thick. So, not an ideal day for squirrel hunting. Yet, somehow, infinitely better than work.

. Lmao! Good post!.....and your right the worst day huntin is still better than the best day at work 👍......Hb