As an aside, having watched and enjoyed the sniper show, is "Rob's" dialect real or the youtube add-on.

Just missed the big TN match the week before I stumbled on the videos.

Too bad the availability has driven prices through the roof.

Years ago we had a guy that shot the British guns with HIGH power add-on scopes just for bug hole groups (100 yds max on that range). If the gun showed no chance to develop into a shooter it was sold and replaced with another.
All with cast projies, so not sure how far the precision would hold.
Fun to watch him develop the best the guns of the "distant" past could do.

He did take one deer at 185 (Lee 303 projie) just to spite a disbelieving FIL.

Really sorry I did not get to see the big match in Paris a last week ago.

Thanks to all of the contributor here, as a fan of old milsurp guns it matches my interest.

Last edited by LouisB; 10/16/21.

Some spelling errors can be corrected by a vowel movement.