Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Glamper, you matter to no one, here. You’re just a distraction, that too often needs to be addressed for the absurd shît you spew through your threads and posts...Those who follow you, well, that’s on them.

The world needs all kinds of people. Cons, sheepeople, religious bigots and ignorant dumbfûcks.

You encapsulate all of them, plus more.

Please keep ignoring me and peaking...You know, I hold all the cards.



You act like some little kid playing peek-a-boo.

Then you have the maturity of a four year old throwing a tantrum in a grocery store.

I don't play your games. Think what you want.
I use the ignore feature for my own purposes, NOT some rules you made up in the land of make believe.

The Land of Make Believe is where you live...I’m just happy as a camper to get the opportunity to kick you in the teeth - virtually each day.

Thank you, for that.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”