I'm on a ridgetop at about 2900 feet in the NC Blueridge Mountains.... I almost don't even have to turn a radio on to hear Cuba grin For such a poor Country they put a lot of power into English broadcast.

They put out a lot of jamming signals on portions of the 40 Meter band during the recent political unrest. It seems there were Cuban Americans transmitting "outside World" information back to family and friends who have been depending on inexpensive shortwave receivers to get non Government approved info for years.

I guess I understand why the Biden administration went to such extreme lengths to say no Cuban refugees would be allowed into the USA while leaving the boarder wild open from elsewhere.

A larger portion of Cubans have a basic education. They also have first hand knowledge of what a totalitarian regime will do to it's people in order to hold onto power.. The Biden regime can't have that kind of "misinformation" spreading just before the 2020 elections....

Given current events over the past 10 Months or so here I would argue that in addition to rice beans water purifier and toilet paper, an inexpensive shortwave receiver might make the must have list. There is a learning curve for sure. What time of day or night to listen on which frequencies. Experimenting with antennas. The hardest part for me has been learning to program the memories so I can find stations likely to be available at the time I'm listening.

I did briefly listen to a Cuban station last night Bob, I think it was the 670 AM frequency too. I also just watch a radio review yesterday that said the signal was so strong from Cuba it might have been able to damage the radio if attenuation was not set high enough.

Please don't feed the trolls!