Crappy's happy he quit seeing as how much he hates LEOs.

6/25/20 – (HC warns that the police will electrocute you for no reason.)

"In most states, electrocution by officer friendly by a device fondly refered to it's brand name , tazer, is not considered inhumane, torture, and is of course the loving tender hearted thing to do.
After they torture you to death, they will ask around to find out if they can blame your dead carcass for their murder, after all the guy was crazy! We HAD to put him down for his own safety.......uhhh, we feared for our lives when we kicked in his door.
The tazers are routinely used to DEATH many people every year without so much as offering innocent people due process of any kind."

7/3/20 – (“Skinhead” cops persecute poor HC)
"I just get tired if being threatened and cussed out if I don't donate money to their charity......or if I want to buy a handgun, the police threatening me because it challenges their monopoly of power in this community.
I'm not supposed to have the means to defend myself and my own family. The skin heads threaten to throw a man with NO criminal record in their little dungeon for suggesting that I might buy a boom stick....Oh my."

7/9/20 – (HC on sodomy and LEOs. )
"Also the same thing goes, mostly with the homo/bi troopers to those they pull over with a fog/running light out in the middle of the day. Some of the phag troopers go so far as to sodomize their victims."

7/28/20 – (HC recites more hate for LEOs)
"I was shot at multiple times, just out of the blue unprovoked, by trash, while walking down the street and trail. Police were called many times and they would not show up until they knew for sure that they would not be in danger. When seconds count they are only hours away. After all the first priority of the proud, the brave, "is to make sure that they go home safe at night after their shift."

Another time my House was broken into while asleep at night and family threatened.

I told police about it and that I was going to buy a handgun for self defense.
Guess what?
The cop threatened me with arrest and throwing me into a cage if I would have ever shot back at the murderers while they were attempting to kill me, in self defense.

I finally realized who the bad guys were.
The bad guys were the ones who tried to take my life and threatened my family.
The bad guys were also the ones who threatened our lives by trying to keep us honorable people as victims, so that we will be forced to depend on those skin heads."

10/6/20 – (HC describes how thw cops will sodomize you for not wearing a mask)
“Right now, it is a finable offense in many "free" states to be caught without the obedience muzzle.
Star treck shock collar / prongs activated for electrocution compliance.... until they bind and kidnap you to be taken to the rape room to be sodomized by the fat probing hand.... I mean that thin blue line.
If the above offends any in law enforcement, then either:
A. Quit committing your homosexual perversions and excusing it as "just checking for drugs."
B. Quit backing those who do and police those in your own vocation.”[b][/b]

Let's Go Brandon! FJB