Originally Posted by Armednfree
This angers me really. I kind of feel bad for old Joe. I mean what d we really have, what are we seeing. Frankly we are seeing elder abuse. We are seeing an old man being manipulated by Obama to act as his proxy. It's hard to blame old Joe when old Joe does not have enough brain left to put the right shoe on the right foot.

I don't feel one slight bit of sympathy for that lying old coot. He's smart enough and cognizant enough to know he's lied and cheated throughout his whole worthless oxygen thieving existence to worm his way into the most powerful position in the world. He can FOAD. And the sooner, the better, AFAIC.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member