Originally Posted by denton
The early FRS radios were about 1/2 to 3/4 watt. Later models included GMRS "in between" channels, and were up to 5 watts on some channels. Later, the FCC changed the game with the MUR service. I'm not up to date on the current regs, but the FCC has those posted on the web.

If you are running the old FRS equipment, the 5 watt level is a worthwhile improvement, but maybe not so much as you would like.

Upgrading to ham equipment and license does open many possibilities, including better antennas, more powerful vehicle mounted equipment, and even your own temporary cross-band repeater. For relatively inexpensive handheld radios, I prefer Wouxun.

Note that some states prohibit the use of radios while hunting. That's mostly in the East.

100% illegal to use radios in AK.In fact, AK Trooper interpretation is that using any 2-way radio ends that day's hunting for both sides of the conversation. Even if being used for a simple request for a pick-up or a safety concern.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.