Originally Posted by OldHat

Beethoven produced actual music. Whole Lotta love is just racket.

If it were not for the fact that people today have sound memory from it being drummed into their head as a impressionable teenager it would be just a cacophony.

The 20th century destroyed music with endless tribal trash.

There were those who said much the same of Beethoven when he was still writing. Here for example, from a review of his 9th Symphony:

"....all the known acoustical missile instruments I should conceive were employed… that they made even the very ground shake under us, and would, with their fearful uproar, have been sufficiently penetrating to call up from their peaceful graves the revered shades of Tallis, Purcell, and Gibbons, and even of Handel and Mozart, to witness and deplore the obstreperous roarings of modern frenzy in their art… Beethoven finds, from all the public accounts, that noisy extravagance of execution and outrageous clamor in musical performances more frequently ensures applause than chastened elegance or refined judgment. The inference therefore that we may fairly make, is that he writes accordingly.”
Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review, London, 1825

Their kids no doubt loved it though.