You guys take care of yourself and get healthy again. Wife and I had Covid last Nov, just aches, tired, no energy. Took almost until 1st of year before we both felt normal. Didn't deer/pheasant hunt at all last year. We aren't doing the Vax route as Doctors who aren't under Dr. Death Fauchi's control and spell say you have 28x the anti-bodies of someone who has been vaxed and that the vax will destroy your bodies immune system in varying degree's. The CDC, WHO, and Biden and his band of horse thieves don't want the public aware of alot of the truth on Covid as they see the China Flu as a means of control of the populace. I've gone around this with my Dr. who had Covid the same time as I, took the Vax, then got Covid again.

Alot of info out there if ya search for it on the true origins of Covid, what it is, does, who has and is taking advantage of it (Fauchi, Gates, Sores, pharma, Biden and the DNC). Just saying and my and alot of others opinion who see what many in American gov't (and those throughout the world) are doing, why, and their ultimate goals. I'm not a Chicken Little (the sky is falling-the sky is falling) person, but the information is there, but certain people and organizations (including the main liberal media) are lying and not telling the truth and suppressing the truth for personal gain and power.