Originally Posted by Calhoun
Originally Posted by TheKid
How big, acreage wise is the Pine Barrens roughly? I went to trade school with a guy from NJ who was always talking about it like it’s some uncharted wilderness. My map shows the whole damn state of NJ being slightly larger than the county I live in, which sorta scratches the vast wilderness theory unless there’s some hellacious terrain I didn’t notice last time I passed by.

It said 1 million acres. Which sounds huge, but is roughly the same as 40 miles by 40 miles (1600 sq miles). It's large.. but if you've been out west, it's not that impressive. Could definitely get lost in 1600 square miles if you get turned around on an overcast day and head in deeper.

I've never hunted true flatland. But I bet it would bve easy to get twisted up.

Twice if been completely lost.
Bo th times it involved a dome shaped ridge/mountaintop. I didn't realize
I wasn't going straight, and went around the dam circle. I'd guess that very
few of the people that get hopelessly lost and die or need rescuing , use
anywhere near 1600 square miles doing it. Bet most pull it off in 160. Unless
they can see help outside that area.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!