Originally Posted by Tide_Change
Originally Posted by Kenneth
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Portland cop several years ago was reaming his wife in her ass with a loaded Rem 870 shotgun. His lubed up hands slipped, causing him to blow up 1/2 of her ass and gizzard.

She goes to the ER hospital for her injuries, and survives. Cop immediately checks himself into the “Whack Unit” at Emanuel Hospital.

Idk what happened to the cop, aside from losing his career as a cop. His wife filed for divorce from her hospital bed.

Strange kinks can have bad consequences...LOL


Not saying I doubt you,

But she survived a blast from a shotgun at that range, shoved into that orifice, inches from all kinds of major intestines and organs?

And lived? C'mon man................

Uh, yeah. He wasn't exactly an upstanding citizen.

He was a crack user, and was also tried for arson - setting an apartment building on fire. Jury was hung though, but in Multnomah County a jury of his peers was probably 75% bleck and on crack too.

You remember that case?

I tried to duck-foo it up, but nothing.

Crazy mofo for sure.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”