Rep Michael Burgess of district 26 TX which comprises parts of both Dallas and Tarrant counties has voted for a bill that gives 400 million dollars to fund a vaccine database which would allow the Biden administration to track and to harrass anyone who is not vaccinated. Harrassment to include travel restrictions and what businesses you can visit. The bills are H.R. 550 and H.R. 4026. It is time we interact with these RINO's in person or at least by mail. Email does not have the impact an actual letter does. The bills violate the HIPAA act and our 4th amendment rights. I am going to be part of a protest at his Dallas office and possibly his home. This is his congressional web site and his voting record. Instead of arguing stupid threads why don't you lipschits contact your reps that voted for this violation of their oaths of office and our rights. 80 Republican representatives voted for this same legislation. Find out if yours did and give them some Schit about it.

Last edited by rickt300; 12/04/21.

Dog I rescued in January

[Linked Image from]