Originally Posted by Buck720
I was basically about 8’ off the ground in a box stand and using psp bullet! No hair or boat found! Like I said not a drop of blood where it was shot or between the piles of blood I did find!

Finding the hair is the first step in figuring out where you hit. The sign is all there. You just have to find it. It may be just a few hairs and you had to get your face right off the ground to see.

Back when I first started killing deer we trailed every deer whether we could see it without trailing or not. It gets pretty interesting and educates you to find deer on bad shots or bullet failures, etc. We spent time discussing and comparing notes. Do people even talk about that anymore?

My wife made an iffy shot on a buck once and wanted to call for a dog. I told her, "I am the dog." I found it.

Living in a world of G17s and 700s, wishing for P7s and 202s