Had my alarm set for 4 am this morning to go cow elk hunt.
Morning temp was -4 and snowing hard, I elected the snooze button.

I rallied at about 9 since it was up to zero. I have a two hour drive to my camper.
I elected to take a different route to avoid a steep hill that can be treacherous.

Driving to camp, the snow was blowing hard and dropped in temperature.

I did see elk on a point that I have hunted in the past, but I had not called ahead for permission this time, so they were just good to see.

Going further in it started to get deeper, drifts were getting harder and the radio was calling for 20 below tonight.
Never saw another sole. Was cutting fresh tracks.

I got to a spot that I really had to decide forward or back.

I called a retreat. Getting stuck at 20 below just felt a little risky.