Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by rainshot
Sorry democrats. Trump still owns the republicans base.

Maybe. Trump owns the most vocal portion of the Republican base.

Good chance that the r’s wont win much of anything. Way too divided and a lot of r’s can’t stand trump and most importantly are sick of a good portion of Trumps die hard supporters.

GOP needs to formally deny Trump and continue to run on open borders, cheap labor, higher taxes on the middle class, gun control, free healthcare and college for illegal aliens, endless and needless wars, race based college admissions, more tax breaks for companies who pull operations out the US to China, mandatory boosters every 6 months with criminal penalties for refusing, dangerous global warming, banning all oil and gas operations in the US, banning all dangerous carbon fueled cars, trains, ships, planes, higher taxes, support insider trading in congress, banning unpopular speech etc.

Seems to be working well so far for the normal GOP. We need another Bush in office to save our country. Maybe they can get a true patriot like Romney to run again or a GOP closet homo like Misses Lindsey Graham

Maybe we could get Meghan McCain to run .