Originally Posted by bluefish
A lot fewer men in America these days. When I was young my dad a d grandfather's generations would have left the groid in a bloody pile or worse. Pathetic.

Your right to have that theory lf you want. If it was black on black stay the fug out of it if your white. If the victim is white and perps black then there a moral question you refer to and be advised that the media, the liberal left and liberal judiciary will come after you for rendering assistance. I 've been around long enough to see good Samaritans be persecuted for doing that and prosecuted as well. The person being beaten up is clearly at fault for not having the means to take care of the people beating her. She should have shot them both dead and told the cops they were trying Jack her car and she shot to save her life . End of story. Chicago is your example it is all the blacks understand. Just my point of view.

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "