Originally Posted by JamesJr
For some reason, coyotes rarely eat on dead cattle here, or at least large ones. Dead calves and deer are all gobbled up by them overnight, but I've seen cows lay there all winter and never be touched, yet there was coyote tracks all around them. I can't tell you how many dead cows I set up and hunted over until I figured out it was not going to happen.

I've often wondered if their hide was too tough for a coyote to tear through and get to the good parts.

Depends what the cow died from. I think the coyote can sense those that die from disease.

A bud had a few cattle die one fall from anaplasmosis. Crows were the only thing that would touch those cattle. Possums wouldn't even fugg w em.

The last time that bear ate a lawyer he had the runs for 33 days!