I have been wearing gortex lined Vasque mountaineering/hiking boots for years. I wish they were a little higher, like 7-8 inches for better ankle support and shin protection, but they have worked well for hunting, packing meat, and general hiking. The tread has been good, and foot/ankle support has worked well. I use them for every day wear once they have worn out a bit. Granted they are not a winter snow boot, and I use pac boots once it is cold.

I used to have some Cabela's brand hunters that worked really well but they discontinued those. I tried the Mendle boots, but they had a low toe box and blistered the tops of my toes. They must be better for skinny, bony feet than they are for meaty thicker feet. I know some people love them. I had some Danners that were good years ago, but now they are too high at 9 inches, and the top chafes my calves. But others I know like theirs, and there is a choice of lasts, toe boxes, and even better widths.