I know a local family of immigrants, from Europe.
Been here awhile, own a nice, well run little business.
Speak English with a bit of accent, blending right in, an asset to the community.

I ask the wife her thought of illegal immigration, it was funny.
In a sad way. She turned red and became quite angry.

They have spent a good bit of time and money going through the immigration
process. Here on a visa now, if they get in any trouble they can be kicked out.
If immigration decides to not renew their visa, they can be kicked out.
With little warning, no real accomadations to deal with their home and business. Just kicked out.

Meanwhile, people who snuck in illegally, live here illegally, work here
illegally, can be arrested for another crime, and they are released.
Those same people get their kids educated without paying taxes,
get accomadated for any medical issues the have. Free.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!