Originally Posted by NVhntr
Happy Camper is full of schidt and anyone who believes anything he says is a fool.
He's the worst troll on the fire.

7/22/20 – (The first time 8 year old HC shoots a rifle, it’s a 15 shot one hole group at 100 paces with an 8mm Mauser.)
"Reminds me of getting yelled at my first time at a range. The first rifle that was put against my shoulder as an 8 y.o. boy was a 98 M in 8mm. My target had one hole after fully loading it around 3 times. It Made mom's second husband mad for wasting all that expensive ammo. Red face, yelling, cussing, not a good first experience. He thought I missed the target altogether until we went to get a close look. Not a bad rifle at 100 long paces."

8/16/21 – (Happy Camper narrowly escapes death at the hands of preachers.)
“It reminds me of the time I was staying the week with some preachers while seeing a week at a Church near Fort Worth Texas. This was back when I taught Sunday school, but hadn't considered ever Preaching. At 3-4 AM I was woken up with a pillow crushed against my face and two of the preachers holding my arms down, so I would smother to death.”

6/17/20 – (Happy Camper survives being poisoned by his girlfriend.)
"Good news is that it had a happy ending because I survived. I came within an inch of my life as organ failure set in. I'm grateful that God miraculously brought a vision of charcoal to my mind and where to find it. Then he gave me enough strength to drag myself off my back, get to it and eat it before dying. It absorbed the poison she put in the food and I recovered."

7/1/20 – (The Lord provides a bat.)
"I've taught wildlife education and I'm also against harmful chemicals.
I taught a class on environmental factors of bats and human interaction. The Lord provided a live bat several days prior to my lectures..... miraculously."

8/2/20 – (HC casts out a deadly demon that tried to kill him on the college campus.)
"It reminds me of a time when I was attacked as a somewhat young believer. It was on the campus of West Virginia University. Mary tried to kill me. A weird voice came from her mouth that wasn't hers.
Hate to admit it, but I was scared.
Then the Holy Spirit brought to my mind what was happening when He brought this verse to mind very clearly.
"Greater is He that is in you, than He that is in the world."
Immediately, I realized it was a demon and not Mary that I was dealing with AND the fear miraculously dropped off like water off a duck's back. Prayer began at that point as a crowd gathered to see the demon's manifestation."

11/19/20 – (Another miracle!)
“My Dad was raised from the dead.”

Let's Go Brandon! FJB