Originally Posted by acy
They've been tough to get for the past couple of years. I bet the food shortages we're seeing now are going to cause even more people to try gardening and canning. Lids are going to be almost impossible to get this summer if you don't have enough.

We have always tried to keep a couple of years ahead on canning supplies. We've got upwards of a couple hundred dozen on hand, and we've started keeping the used lids when we open jars. I canned a jar of water last year with a once used lid. It sealed nicely and stayed sealed until I opened it a month or so ago. I hope things don't get bad enough that I have to resort to using them, but I think they will work.

I've reused canning lids (we call them domes) for several canning seasons. if you take care of them and keep the rubber part from getting damaged and keep the white part from getting scratched to the metal, you should be good for several canning years. there's no reason unless they get damaged to trash them after 1 use. My daddy taught me to shake the sugar bag until there ain't no more sugar rattling in the seam of the bag. He was dang sure gonna take care of canning lids for re-use.