Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
Originally Posted by 1911a1
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
"Houston Control to US Jews: All synagogues are at risk."

Their Rabbi is highly respected for his work with the LGBTQ community and inclusion and understanding for them.

I don't believe we should not include LGBTQ from going to church, after all we are all sinner. But I do draw the line at advocating their lifestyle and saying what they do is all right in the eyes of the Lord.

Apparently being a "Reform Jew" is modifying their religion to conform to whatever they want it to be.

Look at a number of big denominations, most are caving.
Even the Pope is on the Rainbow train.

Methodists are allowing Homo's to preach, and have one at their
highest levels.

Makes us glad to be Non Denominational Fundamentalist.
We don't juggle snakes or anything weird, just follow the
Book and hold the same standards that the book sets.

Once they're not buggering the little kids.

I could care less what consenting adults do with each other in their own privacy. But do they have to make parades about it?