Originally Posted by flintlocke
I was thinking that I and I suppose some others, vets mostly, have come to change our view on MLK. Back in the day, anybody from Korea, VN, Cold War who had looked over their sights or radar screens at the Communists, thought that MLK was pretty much a "useful idiot" of the Reds. Even with revisionist history, there is no question he received aid from them. So to the cold war vets, that was a stain that could not be forgiven, Jane Fonda in blackface. So now I compare MLK with the current crop of African American, so called leaders, who are clearly not concerned with the well being pf their people. The current crop, Sharpton, Jackson, Obamas, who are nothing but agitators, hustlers, con men and outright extortionists make MLK look pretty good, but only by comparison. People like Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell who are natural leaders are not even mentioned. How far we have sunk.


Great summation !!

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.