Originally Posted by mainer_in_ak
I make the run into fairbanks once every two months. Costco and coldspot is the star attraction.

Occasional visits bs'n with kaboku68 about rifles. He gets kinda rowdy though. I think he might be a hells angel or some sht.

Here are some observations:

Drivers tailgating at 60 mph on glare ice like theyre back in boston or some sht. They even have occasional multi-car pile ups.

Pick up trucks that look like theyve never seen a fkn day of work.

Modern neighborhoods that look like they came staright out of a suburb in chicago

Dudes sporting carharts and kuiu that look fresh off the store rack.

Suvs and Tacomas decked out in "overland" bllsht in a place with no fkn roads or truck trails.

UAF campus looks like a fairytale disneyland where millions of dollars are wasted in the middle of nowhere, full of 75% too many worthless academics. Only gov. dunleavy tried to cut that fkn place down to a one room school house, like it should be.

Anyhoo.......I appreciate Fairbanks.....for about 90 minutes every two months.

Don't come to Anchorage then, it makes Fairbanks look like an old frontier town.

That's ok, I'll ass shoot a dink.
