Good morning to you all up north, I trust the coffee is on and the coals are glowing at your house.

We've got hoarfrost everywhere this morning and it's only -6°C so not too, too bad.

Although as you know I am not a hockey fan, I did have family that watched and so am familiar with Clark Gillies' career.

I'm not sure I could have told you he was from Moose Jaw either, but that doesn't surprise me as hockey is surely part of the prairie culture or at least was in my and Clark's youth.

I see he wasn't that much older than me either.

When we finally get together for a sit down, remind me to tell you my Robert Dirk stories. He'd have been able to seesaw with Clark back in the day, I think Rob's 6'4"?

Have a good weekend 673.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"