Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
Originally Posted by high_country_
One of my coworkers, 32yo started crying when I brought up how my son was expecting a baby. I asked her what's wrong, she told me that she started bleeding right after the Moderna and it hadn't stopped. We were 4 months after the fact at that point.

My wife got the pfizer while she was pregnant with our son. She also started bleeding after that. They did some ultrasounds and found a bleed that would pool blood in her uterus and clot. Every couple weeks, it would break loose and clots the size of chicken livers would come out. Not sure if it had anything to do with the shot. Kid came out fine physically, but me mentally, he’s an azzhole.

Not getting much sleep, huh? grin

They say everything happens for a reason.
For me that reason is usually because I've made some bad decisions that I need to pay for.