Got this in my email in-box yesterday, and thought right away that is was probably bogus and the sender was hoping I'd call the number to investigate... Uh, NO - ain't doin' THAT..:
Your PayPal Purchase Summary is as follows:

Invoice Date: February 04, 2022 04:28:17 AM
Purchase ID: 8EKMB-QAW2K-N82P
Transaction ID: 457F77MS
Mode of Payment: Prepaid
Payment Source: Credit Card / Bank Account
Final Charge: $649.99
Payment to Coinbase Global, Inc. 0.013 BTC 1 BTC = $38,291.37 $642.73 $642.73
Gateway Fee $7.26

Sub Total $0.00
TOTAL $649.99
Additional Transaction Details
Order Ref # C8315BEF424003724F519A0AE5285D491279F294651AC174A
Approval # 1fXQ8c0Uu98xn2uUIi8w

Thank You for using PayPal to complete your purchase of $649.99. Coinbase Global has received the money in return for 0.013 BTC Please allow the charge to be processed through your bank which may take up to 72 hours.

Cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money that's based on blockchain technology. You may be familiar with the most popular versions, Bitcoin and Ethereum, but there are more than 5,000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation.

For any assistance you can call our support to help you out: +1 844-5130-841

Note: Each PayPal account has a unique QR code that can be shared to receive money. The users need to visit the "Share" tab for this purpose. By scanning this QR code, the senders can easily transfer money to the recipient. Apple's Camera app lets the users do so directly through their cameras. Most of website support to accept the payment as a gateway. You can integrate and accept payment from any website using PayPal.

Warm regards,
Customer Helpline No.: +1 844-5130-841


I immediately checked all accounts and sources - all OK.. Also called PP and got a nice lady who gave advice on what to do immediately, and then had me send that email to "".. They wanted to check it out, find out where it came from etc...

I've already changed all passwords to all accounts and am checking 'em daily for any weird activity... So far, so good..

Ex- USN (SS) '66-'69