A large magnetic storm from a large solar flare could throw the world back to the 1800's. It could knock power out to the entire US. It would take 6 months to a year to get power back on. People in big cities would starve to death. A government report back in about 2004 said about 100 million Americans would die in this event. Why? No power for canning, freezing, refrigeration of foods. No packaging of foods. Over half the vehicles wouldn't run due to fried computer chips in them, same with trucks. People going hungry in cities would form gangs to find food, and start killing people. Without fresh water and sewage in cities, people will get cholera.

The solar flare the other day, just knocked out some satellites. The one in 1858 knocked out the US and England's telegraph system.

No TV, Cell Phones, vehicles, water, sewage, power, possibly even natural gas. Back to the 1800's. One should store at least a 2 year supply of foods and rotate them to eat the oldest first. Also store some water or have a good couple of water filters to make potable water.

A nuke blown up 250 miles above Kansas can also knock out the power to the entire US. This could be done by a rogue country with nukes such as Iran.

Newt Gingrich tried to get congress to spend some money to reinforce the grid and buy spare parts in case this happened. No one believed him, same today. It is just a matter of time when the sun shoots out a giant solar flare. This flare the other day was a glancing blow to the earth, not straight on.