Since Alabama legalized hunting over bait (don't kid ourselves, it is not really "hunting"), I realized that I can put a feeder up, feed corn all year and have much less cost than a food plot.

Think about what it takes, in time and diesel fuel, to work up a food plot. Add in the cost of fertilizer and seed. Then, in one night, a sounder of hogs ruins the entire field.

With a feeder in place, they tear up much less ground.

Yes, I try to kill them. I even go so far as to use night vision equipment. Hogs are smart. I've read you need to kill 70%/year just to keep them in check. My experience is that they show up, we kill a few and they are scarce for a couple of months. They reappear and we kill a few and the cycle continues.

A neighbor installed a "Hog Fence". It is about 4' high and curved outward. Supposedly, hogs can exit but can't enter. Deer have no problem jumping over it. Only hogs I've seen around it was one sounder that scampered toward the fence. The little ones ran right thru. The mature hogs couldn't get in. I wondered if the little ones came back out later.

While I enjoy tractor work, I get more than I want just with the bush hogging and road maintenance chores.