Might tug at heart strings and go FULL Retrostalgic ala MK4 M1 10x and simply hate on it,being well shy of a 22 PPC AFI's innatetitude. Hint.(grin)

Bought it sight unseen and was thinking it were a Sporter and a 7.5" RPM Six-TwatSix Donor was the impetus. Prolly ain't all that many Blued/Walnut VS's so chambered,so I'll likely sand it with 60-grit,shoot it with paint and hate on it. Hint.(grin)

There's sooooooooo fhuqking much mail afterthis pass,that Sister said she gave thought to throwing a Christmas Tree up. Looks like a RHR box laying there and I recall a FauxBoe A5 order,but I reckon the Vudoo 17 Hummer is gonna rate the first attention. Hint.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."