Originally Posted by slugflinger
Nice! That looks a tiny bit easier.

Thanks K!

Another tip, dip them in water really well before you start. That will eliminate about 99% of the loose hair that gets stuck to the meat so stubbornly. Use the Meateater video, the second video the guy pulled the top half completely off. That is wasted motion and effort. Just pull it to where you want to cut it with the game shears and then while still standing on it, grab the belly skin and rip it back to where you want to snip off the legs. It is a 1 - 2 process without shifting the squirrel. Game shears are easy peasy and they save your knife edge from grating on bones and or the use of a hatchet. Just snip the four lower legs and the neck and the skin, legs and head is gone in less than a minute. I piece my squirrels for the pan, so I use the shears to separate into four legs and the back saddle. A quick wash and the squirrel is either ready for the pan or the freezer. With some practice it shouldn't take more than a couple minutes total per squirrel.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.