Went for a usual checkup yesterday. They drew blood & he upped one of my meds. Nothing out of the ordinary. Will call w/blood results.

Today, my phone rings, I look &i t says Doctor. I answer in a slightly guarded voice, & the woman on the other end sounds like she's crying. Confusion. She says is this gunzo? sniff. Voice still just a bit guarded with increasing confusion says, this is he.

Sniff sniff,, voice quivering says we've got got your blood results, sniff, sniff, &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they're OK.

I'm sorry for what ever had just happened to her right before she called me........ but DAMMIT!

I didn't think I was scared of checking out, but something in my chest & gut sure made a flop & flutter today.

My heart goes out to those that get such a call for real.