I bought my son/wife a Benelli Montefeltro 20 gauge for about $900... 8 or so years ago. It came with a youth stock as well as "regular" stock.

They took up Sporting Clays with me...

After a few years in the sport, I bought a Browning Maxis 12 used and sold the Benelli Montefeltro 20 gauge for $1k.

The recoil on the Maxus in 12 gauge is the same or less than the Montefeltro 20. It is totally manageable for woman and youth (mid teens)

The weight is more.

I have personally shot their Maxus 1,000s or rounds now at clays and game. It is highly effected.

The rubber grips "melt" however... Browning has a fix, but their CS is not good.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.