A recent article on MSNBC warns that Americans who are trying to lose weight and become more fit are being “radicalized” because “physical fitness has always been central to the far right.”

See if you can follow the logic of this article, which actually passes as “news”:

The author claims that Hitler was “fixated on boxing and Jiu jujitsu”, therefore
modern combat sports like Mixed Martial Arts must be full of White Supremacist Extremists, therefore
ALL forms of fitness, including the new pandemic-induced online fitness trend, is a source of radicalization.
Make sense?

To “prove” this dubious point, the author cites everything from January 6th to White Supremacy Groups. Apparently there were some fit people who stormed the Capitol on January 6, therefore fitness = domestic terrorism.

I imagine there were also some people with two hands who stormed the Capitol. So perhaps having two hands also makes you an extremist?

How does anyone take these people seriously...?


Hmmm. Isn't MSNBC where Peppermint Patti is going?

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.