Originally Posted by Tom2506

I saw a post on another forum where some bozo bought a friggin' Gamma Goat and was bragging about it. I well remember the Goats, and there was never a worse POS than those things. Ever, Anywhere.

This! And the damned GOER both of those vehiles were abortions. Worked on them in the Army before they got phased out ...
I was just finishing my enlistment in the NG when they got the 1st goat. It was assigned to the medics. I never rode in or drove it. All I know is that it was the noisiest machine ever invented. Everyone riding in it needed ear muffs.

They were designed to be able to be dropped by parachute. Those who used them preferred to drop them without the chute.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.