bsa1917unter: IF.... as YOU say the heavy sand "is bs for the birds" why do virtually all the competitive bench rest shooters in their quest for the ultimate in accuracy/consistency use it?
I think you are wrong in your contention.
I have shot over bags filled with heavy sand and a person can easily "nestle" their Rifle into the bags filled with heavy sand - I know I done it!
You almost earned a sheesh here!
The main reasons I fill most all of my sandbags with regular very fine sand is it is somewhat lighter and I take most all of my front bags, rear bags and window bags afield, very often, Varmint Hunting - and then there is the "cost factor" ($40.00+ for 15 pounds).
Heavier sand in ones sandbags (that fit your Rifle properly) will aid in obtaining better accuracy (thats why the bench resters use it!)!
Hold into the wind