Just remember, ‘ole Hannity goes and supports the hard left commie, John McEnroe’s charity tennis tournament.

You are who you hang with.

You people need to realize every one of those supposedly “conservative” radio jocks, making multiples of millions, are all fake conservatives and only produce what will make you think they are on the Conservative’s side. They couldn’t give two schits about your view or your freedom. Conquer and divide, and they are part of the team.

Just look at Laura Ingraham, who use to date that commie Keith Olbermann. What more proof do you need?

Any true Conservative on this forum is 100 times more intelligent than those idiots just reading from a prepared speech on a teleprompter.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)