Originally Posted by Judman
SLM, guess it depends on your definition of “good”. Technology is hurting us as much of more than the movie stars IMO. “Hunters” shootin game with rifles over 1000 yards, muskets accurate over 500, folks shooting bows over 100 yards, onyx, rangefinders, Bluetooth scope/rangefinders,are making folks way more successful than 15-20 years ago. Always bitched about Washington, but, I can hunt Blacktail, Muleys and whitetail every year with any weapon, Roosevelt and Rocky mtn branched bulls every year with any weapon, 2 bears and 2 cougar every year, then I can drive a hour south to Oregon and do pretty much the same thing, 6 hours east to Idaho, do pretty much the same thing again, 8 hours to Montana and hunt pretty much yearly in Montana. States like Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and Colorado are gonna be the ones that are gonna see tougher and tougher draws from here on out. Kinda feel sorry for folks that have to “draw” a tag to hunt good buck units and branched bulls annually in their home state. Just gonna get worse I’m afraid

Theres still a 1 cougar bag limit in washington, not 2. And please provide evidence of +500 and +100 yard muzzie / archery hunters. Most hunters cant shoot a scoped rifle competently at 200, let alone an open sight muzzy at over 500. And a bow over 100? Get real 99% couldnt succeed at that at a foam target, let alone a moving animal. Pure sensationalism here.

Last edited by ElAhrairah; 04/22/22.