Before I went to Zambia, I got updated on some vaccines even though they weren’t required. I got cholera and typhoid and hepatitis vaccines, updated Tetanus, Doxycycline (good for tick bites) and got a prescription for Malarone, which everyone needs to take.

I took one other prescription along, which I ended up needing. My doctor gave me a ‘scrip for Tramadol, as I wanted something for a painkiller in case anyone got hurt. Well, my last day of my hunt, I was trying to run down a poacher in early morning semi-darkness and took a hard fall when I stepped into a large hole while running full speed. Sprained my knee, cracked a couple ribs and tore my rotator cuff! When they got me back to camp, I took 2 Tramadol as I was in great pain. For all the good Tramadol did, I might as well have used them as suppositories and shoved them up my arse. Now, I take a prescription for Percocet as a pain killer in case of injury.

I also take hydrocortisone anti-itch lotion, immodium, Excedrin and advil. Zambia has lots of Tsetse flies, so good repellant is important. Light colored clothing also helps as Tsetse’s are attracted to darker colored clothing.

Zambia is a fantastic country with many excellent PH’s. Enjoy!

Last edited by CAelknuts; 04/29/22.