Hello all, I'm expecting to receive a job offer soon in northern New Mexico and was hoping someone might be able to give me a resident's view of the hunting situation in the state.

I lived in Wyoming for several years, and it kind of ruined me for hunting, I'm currently displaced but would like to get back to a similar lifestyle.

From reading some regs I gathered that all elk hunting in NM is draw, and it doesn't seem like there are any OTC tags. How does that work out in practice for residents? Are you able to draw a cow or two most years, and have to wait a few to several years for a good bull draw (how it was in my part of WY), or is drawing any tag a once in a decade kind of thing.

I saw a post in a thread here where the author mentioned being on a resident hunt that took 20 years to draw which kind if made me wonder if that is the norm.