Make all the Kentucky jokes ya want, I understand. Meth head jokes too. Never done it but honestly, I could pass for it. Heredity & periodontal disease has just about come full circle. Spent thousands trying to save them, but it was a loosing battle.

Expected 5-6 grand for extraction of what's left & fitting premium dentures. Ha! need bone work under my gums, or implant studs for clip on teeth. Bone work & dentures, about $9500. Or put in studs @ $3000 each, would need 6-7 of them . But the bright side is, we could skip the bone work. Save 3 grand, spend 20, so that's out.

Head whirling tonight, wondering about a coffee, milkshake, mashed potato, & beer diet for the rest of my days. Dammit, I'd surely miss a good rare steak most of all.

Appearances way down the list as I'm not looking for a job, a woman or running for office. But doggonit, I sure do like to eat.