Originally Posted by Ranger99
Sincere curiosity question-

I wonder why those that utilize baby formula
don't have a stockpile of it?

Most of the baby mommas around here are
section 8's/WIC/ welfare anyway, and don't
pay out of pocket for anything.
If they had half a brain, they'd have a closet
full of formula and diapers

I've had similar arguments with girlfriends
about kotexes. If you know you're having a
a period each month, why don't we pick up
8 or 10 packages next trip to the store?

Same thing with toilet paper. Don't know about
you darlin, but I'll still be wiping my butt for
years to come. Let's get a cart full of TP

? ? ?
It is called living paycheck to paycheck (or EBT). If you look you'll see young employed women buying $8 or $10 in gasoline. Run out of money before they run out of month.

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