Store bought eating potatoes that sprouted, don't know the kind. Anyway back in Feb. I had some sprouting when I was making a stew, so I cut the sprouts off pretty thick. Way too wet to plant right then, so I got some potting soil and put them in a red solo plastic cup. Left in my camper where I kept heat at night to keep things from freezing. I just a short time they were up and growing, still to wet in the garden. When the freeze time was over I set them out in the yard on a table, until today. Garden finally got dry, so I fixed a place and set them out. Lots of them had small potatoes just under the top, some as big as a half dollar, but most the size of a quarter. Set them out with just the green tops out of the ground. Plan to pull more dirt to them as they grow. Anybody here ever done such a thing? Way too late to plant potatoes the conventional way, but I thought what the heck. lets see what happens. Thinking about putting straw or maybe grass clippings along the row to keep the heat down. Any ideas or advice welcome. miles

Look out for number 1, don't step in number 2.