We are truly running out of time to wait for someone to step in and right the wrong. How does a military that has been corrupted by a generation or two of leftist placed in high rank take over? Just about all the patriots with any rank have been routed and replaced with leftist Marxist counterparts. Our federal judiciary has been slowly corrupted so bad that supposedly conservative constitutionalist judges are leftist plants. Our education system has been corrupted by decades of federal government control. our culture has been abandoned in favor of Marxist principles. Traditional Marriage is abandoned and even gender is abandoned in favor of criminal insanity.
We are witnessing a criminally insane idiot pretending to be President of the United States. The election was proven stolen and continues to be proven every day and nobody with any authority to do anything about it cares. We have possible the ugliest man in history pretending to be a woman in Biden's cabinet and another man as transportation secretary married supposedly to another man, raising a child? How in hell does that happen. We have a pretend Vice President that has a law degree I suppose found in a box of cracker jacks because she can barely spell her own name. She has no clue about the countries she visits or who she's supposed to be talking to. Our Speaker of the House is insane and has been for decades. Republicans in leadership in House and Senate are as corrupt as their Marxist counterparts in the democrat party.

Perhaps Putin actually will save us...