We have two zero turn mowers. I don't know how important your time is to you; but a zero turn is probably twice as fast as a traditional mower in actual use once you get used to them. There is a reason that all the commercial mowers / landscapers I know of use zero turns.

One of ours is an exmark https://www.exmark.com/ it has been a good mower. We bought it upon recommendation of a friend who owned a mowing company. At that time, they used exmarks; but since switched to Kubota. One of my brothers mows a lot of stuff with his exmark that would give many pause and he's had great luck with it.

One of my sisters has a Husqvarna and it has been a good mower too. Another friend that did commercial mowing has both exmark and cub cadet. He liked them both.

Our other mower is an altoz
It is pretty amazing. We bought it to mow in some places we really couldn't with any other and it does it really well. It is fairly expensive to buy though and probably isn't needed by most.

If I were in your situation, I'd probably check what the commercial mowers are running locally and where they're buying their mowers. Then I'd explain my needs and budget to one of them to get their recommendation and to the local mower sales person.